M. BRAHEM, K. Zeitouni, and L. Yeh. ASTROIDE: A unified astronomical big data processing engine over spark. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018 (Link)
M. BRAHEM, L. Yeh and K. Zeitouni. Efficient astronomical query processing using spark. In In 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, SIGSPATIAL, 2018 (Link)
M. BRAHEM, K. Zeitouni, and L. Yeh. HX-MATCH: in-memory cross-matching algorithm for astronomical big data. In Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases - 15th International Symposium, SSTD, 2017 (Link)
M. BRAHEM, K. Zeitouni, and L. Yeh. Astrospark: towards a distributed data server for big data in astronomy. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL PhD Symposium. ACM, 2016 (Link)
M. Brahem, K. Zeitouni, and L. Yeh. Large-scale data management of astronomical surveys with astrospark. In 10th Extremely Large Databases Conference, XLDB, 2017 (Link)
K. Zeitouni, M. Brahem, and L. Yeh, Large Scale Data Management of Astronomical Surveys with AstroSpark, European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, EWASS, 2017 (Link)
Citation instructions
For reference, the following paper describes the recent features of ASTROIDE:
- M. BRAHEM, K. Zeitouni, and L. Yeh. ASTROIDE: A unified astronomical big data processing engine over spark. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018, vol. 6, no 3, p. 477-491. (Link)